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You focus on being an assessor and we'll will take care of the designs, outlines, copywriting, wireframes, graphics, prose, and layouts necessary to create understandable, well-designed, and visually pleasing brochures, flyers, websites, and videos that explain what you do.


Property owners will thank you for the succinct, clear communication by working with you instead of against you.



Good communication is the one of the core capabilities that all good assessors cultivate. The problem is that most assessors don't have time to design their communication - to ponder the best word to use in a single sentence, to think about the best layout for a brochure, or to take the time to create a script and coordinate music, narration, animation, and graphics for a video. But we do.

We have years of experience working with assessors to design the communication they want property owners to read, view, or hear. Whether that communication takes the form of a succinct brochure, a beautiful flyer, a well-signed website, or an interesting video, we work with assessors to demystify assessing.

We can help you too. If you have ideas for connecting with your property owners, we'd be happy to help bring those ideas to life.



  • Your own experienced communications team with knowledge of assessing.

  • Well-designed communication to capture the attention of property owners.

  • Thoughtful strategies for getting your information to property owners through paper, websites, and social media.

  • Happy, educated property owners that better understand the assessing process.

  • Fewer customer service calls and better property owner interactions.

  • Customized communication programs based on your budget and goals.


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current news

We help you to stay informed: articles, news and case studies

The Definition of Accuracy - The Key To Accurate Real Estate Data

If your job as an assessor depends on accurate real estate data, shouldn't you know what defines accurate data?

The Many Different Approaches To Data Collection

When it comes to collecting property data, assessors use a variety of methods. Here’s a brief survey of the five most common methods they use.

Ensuring Objectivity In Assessing Data - Separating Data Collection and Valuation

Objective, trustworthy data is every assessor's goal. But for data to be objective, data collection and valuation need to be completely separate.

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